audi4ever Forenupdate auf phpBB3 RC5

  • Hallo und willkommen

    Das Forum wurde soeben zur neuen phpBB3 Version upgedatet.
    Wir stehen nun bei RC5.

    viel Spaß bei uns,


    Changlog RC4 to RC5

    [spoiler:c2038][Fix] MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite related database fixes (Bug #13862)
    [Fix] Allow MS SQL to properly connect when using the mssql driver and PHP is less than either 4.4.1 or 5.1 (Bug #13874)
    [Fix] Ignore files containing HTML special chars in the filenames as gallery avatars (Bug #13906)
    [Fix] Multiple PM recipients not separated (Bug #13876)
    [Change] Split the select list for the smilie order to clarify which are feasible and which are not (Bug #13911)
    [Fix] Convert empty homepage fields (Bug #13917)
    [Fix] Use board default DST setting on creating new profiles (Bug #11563)
    [Feature] New constant PHPBB_EMBEDDED can be used to let phpBB not call exit; if wrapped/embedded (We may re-check this constant on other code locations later too)
    [Feature] append_sid() having a check for the function append_sid_phpbb_hook(). This function is called in favour of append_sid() with the exact same parameters if present.
    [Fix] Only list enabled modes within the dropdown at user administration (Bug #13883) - patch provided by damnian
    [Fix] Properly display ban reason if selecting banned entries within the ACP (Bug #13896)
    [Fix] Properly parse SQL expressions for Oracle (Bug #13916)
    [Fix] Added label bindings to the custom profile fields in the ACP (Bug #13936) - patch provided by damnian
    [Change] Made group avatar/rank changes more intuitive
    [Fix] Give more feedback in icon/smilie management (Bug #13295)
    [Fix] Correctly set user::lang_id (Bug #14010)
    [Fix] Properly display the smiley export screen (Bug #13968)
    [Feature] Add "DECIMAL:", "PDECIMAL", and "PDECIMAL:" to the schema creation code (Bug #13999) - patch provided by poyntesm
    [Fix] Don't show the notify checkbox in the approval queue if the only posts are written by ANONYMOUS (Bug #13973)
    [Fix] Redirect to bots management page on edit/add (Bug #14073)
    [Fix] Display locked icon in viewforum/prosilver if forum locked (Bug #14009)
    [Feature] Display message history in compose PM screen
    [Change] Do not force login on visiting topic/forum from notification emails (Bug #13818)
    [Fix] Fixed cron_lock value for cron execution. This bug led to users having problems with the email queue and other cron related issues.
    [Fix] Prevent white pages on php notices with gzip compression enabled (Bug #14096)
    [Fix] Propagate the cleaned identifier for CFPs (Bug #14072)
    [Fix] Do not display NO_TOPICS message if viewing non-postable category (Bug #13489)
    [Fix] Let the theme immediately expire if changed from ACP for at least 30 minutes after change
    [Fix] Do not append hilit= in search if highlighting term is empty (Bug #13910)
    [Fix] Return to last page after voting in viewtopic instead of first page in topic (Bug #13976)
    [Fix] If sending PM's to groups only include activated member (Bug #14040)
    [Fix] Correctly wrap words in emails containing utf8 characters (Bug #14109)
    [Change] For new posts or editing the first post topic titles have a maxlength of 60 characters. For any subsequent posts the length is extended to 64 to make room for the Re: part, but cutting at 60 characters. The maxlength need to be 64, else users using opera are unable to post (opera does not allow pre-filling a field with more characters than specified within the maxlength attribute)
    [Fix] Disable gzip compression for cached stylesheet for Internet Explorer 6 or empty browser (IE6 is not able to properly display the compressed stylesheet) (Bug #14054)
    [Fix] Header icons fixed in FF for RTL languages (Bug #14084)
    [Change] Words in topic titles and post subjects are highlighted on the search results page and viewtopic too now (Bug #13383)
    [Fix] Made sure strip_bbcode cannot get the idea that a smiley is a BBCode (Bug #14030)
    [Change] Added a filter for user objects to LDAP configuration and improved explanations (Bug #12627)
    [Fix] Display searchable subforums of invisible parents in advanced search forum selection (Bug #11395)
    [Fix] Allow line breaks in custom BBCodes (Bug #10758)
    [Fix] Ordered BBcode parsing functions in the same way everywhere where they are used
    [Fix] Prevent {URL} token in custom BBCodes from make_clickable messing (Bug #14151)
    [Sec] Added alternative tokens to custom BBCodes which are safe for CSS/Javascript and changed TEXT token to entitise opening and closing parantheses.
    [Fix] Convert 2.0 moderator posting permissions (Bug #14105)
    [Fix] Correctly apply PM box limit of 0 to custom folder (Bug #14154)
    [Fix] odbc_autocommit causing existing result sets to be dropped (Bug #14182)[/spoiler:c2038]


    # Der Klügere gibt nach - Eine traurige Wahrheit: sie begründet die Weltherrschaft der Dummen.

    # Die Menschen werden durch Gesinnungen geeinigt und durch Meinungen getrennt.

    # Wer mit dem Finger auf andere zeigt, sollte nicht vergessen, dass dabei immer drei Finger seiner Hand auf ihn selbst gerichtet sind.